Fully Illustrated Children's Book
Illustrations kids Love
Marvelous Songs and Music

Enjoyable for All
A 32-Page, 24 story pages, 22 spreads, Fully-Illustrated in Color, Children’s Book
Interest Level K-2, 5-7 yrs, Guided reading level: L Realistic fiction
Art Work, Story & Art Concept By: Lorenzo Dion Lee & Linda Fakundiny-Lee
You are listening to
"Ich Liebe Dich"
(I Love You)
Written, arranged, produced and performed by
Lorfak Original Music, LLC (c) 2017
Lorenzo Dion Lee & Linda Fakundiny-Lee
You are listening to
"Ich Liebe Dich"
(I Love You)
Written, arranged, produced and performed by
Lorfak Original Music, LLC (c) 2017
Lorenzo Dion Lee & Linda Fakundiny-Lee

Kids are always curious when the see other kids doing something that's new to them.
That's what happened when I first heard "Oma" and "Opa" in place of Grandma' and Grandpa".
The boy in our book gets to learn that different people feel the same love, in any language.

Manuscript Word Count,
My Oma and Opa Love Me
Lorenzo Dion Lee and Linda Fakundiny-Lee
© 2018
Page, 4-5
Today I got good news about my Oma and Opa,
but I don’t know what it is.
I already know I'm going to visit with them,
so it’s not that.
People can always tell I'm waiting for them because,
I can’t stop smiling.
When people ask why am I so happy, I just say,
Because My Oma and Opa Love Me.
“What's a Oma and Opa?” They ask.
Page, 6-7
Oma and Opa means Grandparents. Some go by different names.
Abeula and Abeulo, Bibi and Babu, or Nai-Nai and
Oma and Opa always say
“Everybody’s different. That’s what really makes the world Great!”
Even a baby-bird can understand that.
Page, 8-9
I know some kids live with their Grandparents.
When I’m waiting for them, I wish I did too.
They gave me a gift to keep me company.
I named him Toby.
Oma and Opa thought,
Tobi would make a good playmate.
I like watching Toby chase squirrels, and he likes napping!
Page, 10-11
Mom said, “enjoy a sunset”, while you wait.
Dad said, “Read a book. Play a game. Eat a healthy snack”,
I took Mom and Dad’s advice, but I had some of my own.
As I was counting the stars, Toby gave me a great idea!
Nap time!
That’s a great idea Toby! If I nap, I can dream, dream, dream!
Page, 12-13​
When I dream I'm with Oma and Opa...
No silly “BUZZZZZ, from my alarm clock to wake me in the morning!
Just the smell of Oma making a healthy German breakfast!
The sounds of Opa is getting our tools ready for the day.
Because, Opa and I will be busy with chores.
Page, 14-15
AHHHH...I still dream of smelling fresh rolls with marmalade, eggs, cold meats, such as ham and salami and
various cheeses.
And a nice Strong cup of coffee to wash it down.
“Stop! Oma said, loudly!
[“Stop! No coffee for you till you're older! That's in Englisch"]
"Kein Kaffee für Sie bis Du älter bist!”
Okay, okay Oma. Just kidding Oma, no coffee till I’m older.
After Oma talks to me,
loudly, she always wants, YUCK...a smooch!
She says it calms her down!
Page, 16-17
I dream Oma asks, “Will you help pull weeds in the garden?”
I say... You Bet!
Instead of pulling weeds,
Opa and I pull worms!
We hope to surprise Oma with fresh Fish for lunch.
Opa told Toby to stop playing with the Little Gray Mouse,
that lives at the dock and, “Jump in the boat! Let’s Fish!”
(The Mouse says Bye)
Just then...
I got one! I think, I CAUGHT...
Page, 18-19
A Fish?
What is, that Opa?
“Whoa! Sure, hope it’s not Oma’s lunch!”
“Talk about putting your foot in your mouth”
It was hard to stop laughing, but when we did,
we named it “Shoe fish”! and set it free!
In my dreams Oma says, “It’s a beautiful day”,
“Let’s hike to the mountains for a nice quiet lunch.”
Toby loves Oma. He still wants her to have Fresh Fish! Splash, Splash!
Oh No Tobi! We have Hot Dogs for lunch!
Page, 20-21
Finally, my Mom woke me. Toby wasn't very happy either!
“Wake up sleepy head!”
I looked around and all I saw was Toby with his hands on his hips.
Toby and I wondered why Mom woke us from dreaming?
Bark! “I just heard a car in our driveway. Guess who’s here?” Mom asked.
Toby didn't know, but I Do!
Oma and Opa have finally come for me!
I'm so glad I packed my bags last night!
Just go to my room, grab my bags and...
Page, 22-23
HAY! What happened my clothes were, all packed!
Oh No! Silly TOBY! You? Aww, you took everything out I packed!
I'm not leaving you here with Mom and Dad again!
Oma and Opa said you’re coming too.
Now, bring back everything you took out of OUR bags!
So, we can go! OUR Oma and Opa are here!
Page, 24-25
“Are you ready for your good news”, Oma asked me.
You and Opa are my “Good News” I said. So, what else can it be?
And, Toby is happy because he gets to come with us!
NOTHING, could beat all of that!
Boy...was I wrong!
“You and Toby,
Are Spending,
Your Whole Summer at Oma and Opa’s House!”
Page, 26-27
Tobi and I say “see ya’ later” to everybody!
We’re spending the whole summer with
My Oma and Opa!
I would have been happy with just one day.
But Grandparents are full of Surprises!
You see, all kids have an Oma and Opa.
No matter what you call yours, your Grandparent’s love you too!
But don’t take my word for it. I'm just a kid.
My Oma and Opa love me! If you're all wondering how I know,
It’s because My Oma and Opa told me so.
As a companion to our book we composed this song
“Ich Liebe Dich”
( ‘I Love You’ )
Performed in German/English, By: Linda Fakundiny-Lee
Lorenzo Dion Lee & Linda Fakundiny-Lee
Lorfak Original Music, LLC © 2018 Lorenzo Dion Lee & Linda Fakundiny-Lee
Translated by
Linda Fakundiny-Lee
Verse 1
Ich lieb’ dich
(I love you)
Es gibt keine ander’n weg zu sagen
(There’s just no other way to say)
Ich lieb’ dich
(I love you)
Ich lieb’ dich, ehrlich ich tue
( I love you, honest I do )
Und Ich brauch’ dich
(I need you)
Es gibt kein’ anderen weg zu sagen
(There’s just no other way to say)
Ich brauch’ dich
( I need you )
Ich brauch’ dich, ehrlich ich tue
( I need you, honest I do )
Wenn wir zusammen sind
(When we are together)
Die ganze welt – verschwindet
(The whole world disappears)
Wenn wir, auseinander sind
(When we are apart)
Mein Herz fühlt
(My heart feels)
ganz traurig
(So sad)
Please feel free to visit our other pages for other books and our Patented Furniture!